Coronavirus: Measures At Dr. Muller 1024 536 Dr. Müller

Coronavirus: Measures At Dr. Muller

Press Release: corona measures at Dr. Müller


Dear Dr. Müller friends,

Dr. Müller, which is part of Ultrasun International B.V. is closely monitoring the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on its partners and fitness and wellness industry. We don’t have to tell you that we’re in a very awkward and challenging time right now.

As your supplier and partner of Dr. Müller Light Therapy devices, we’d like to inform you about the current situation at our headquarters and in different markets.

At this moment, our headquarters, including the Production and Logistics Department, are open. Current and new orders will be processed, manufactured, and shipped. The Sales & Marketing teams remain available to assist you; a couple of colleagues work from the office and some from home.

Flexible Approach

Some of our partners have been asked to close their business for a certain period, while others are asked to stay open. Luckily, we also have seen some activity in areas that aren’t very much affected, and regions that have been in lock-down are re-starting operations. We want to be there for everyone. Therefore, we’ve chosen this flexible approach. Nevertheless, we also see that the demand for our products isn’t as we projected. We are aware of this, and we’ll make sure that we are there when you need us.

Productions and Logistics Department

We’ve taken proper action in the different areas of our headquarters. For example, in the Production facility, everybody works separately and at a distance of at least 1,5 meters. Also, our Logistics Department – incoming and outbound shipments – are being handled by colleagues, who work in shifts.

Marketing Department

As mentioned, our Sales & Marketing Department are working hard to provide our followers and partners with accurate and concrete information.
In the next few days, we’ll send out marketing-related information that will contain information on the positive effect of our machines against cold and flu symptoms. We’d like to ask you to keep an eye on our website and social media channels. Moreover, you can contact us at [email protected] if you need specific marketing promotional materials.

You can read how Collagenic Light can improve the symptoms of the Coronavirus here.

Stay Healthy

Whether you’re at home, traveling, or visiting clients, the WHO recommends practicing good hygiene to protect yourself against infection. The easiest way is by washing your hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer, maintaining a distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. But most importantly, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you become sick, please follow your country’s Coronavirus guidelines.

We’d like to wish everybody strength and stay positive during these trying times, and don’t forget to think about your health and the health of your loved ones. Contact us if you have questions regarding how the Dr. Müller light therapy devices can be used to boost the immune system.

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