Dream White Metallic
Fancy Red Metallic
Technical Specifications
24x Dr. Müller Collagenic Light 200W E-Tronic | 200 cm
20x Dr. Müller Bright Skin Light 200W E-Tronic | 200 cm
20x Dr. Müller Blue Skin Light 200W E-Tronic | 200 cm
Recommended exposure time: 10 minutes
Minimum net weight(1) (+airco): 290 Kg (350 Kg)
Minimum crated weight(1) (+airco): 335 Kg (335 Kg + 90 Kg)
Power supply (+airco): 3x 400V + N + PE (3x 400V + N + PE)
Power (+airco): 12.400W (13.400W)
Plug and cable (+airco): 32A CEE 5x 4 mm2 (32A CEE 5x 6 mm2)
Breaker/fuse [slow] (+airco): 3x 25A (3x35A)
Dimensions open (+airco): 176 x 162 x 227 cm (210 x 189 x 238 cm)
Dimensions closed (+airco): 162 x 151 x 227 cm (199 x 162 x 238 cm)
Internal dimensions (+airco): 113 x 103 x 199 cm (113 x 103 x 199 cm)
Boxed dimensions (+airco): 227 x 114 x 156 cm (227 x 114 x 156 cm (+120 x 80 x 90 cm))
(1)Minimum weight is based on a device with a standard configuration. Machine-specific weight information is available upon request.